Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well, here in Zion (wink, wink) we celebrate Halloween on Saturday when it falls on a Sunday. Anyway, the kids were excited and had a very fun time. It was raining so I graciously volunteered to stay home and hand out candy to the trick or treaters. Colby really appreciated that. ;-) I asked a friend of mine to make some costumes for the kids this year. She is a very good seamstress and it was so nice to not have to worry about it.

Davis decided that he wanted to be Captain Kirk from Star Trek. My friend, who's name is also Jessica, researched it on the internet to get the details right. She is so much fun.

Emily is Alice in Wonderland and a very cute one she is too.
Here are the three trick or treaters. Kaelyn was off on a band competition. She then went to a friends house for scary movies and treats. I think that sounds like a lot more fun when you're 15 almost 16.
Here's Taylor in her 50's girl costume. I absolutely love the poodle skirt. Jess put faux fur on the poodle. It is soooo cute!
Our next door neighbor's little girl was a 50's girl too. Her costume was one that my neighbor wore when she was 6 years old. What a fun tradition. I should have had Taylor wear some pearls too. :-)
This is Jessica's daughter(she's the clown and yes, Jess did make the costume! I've decided that she's Wonder Woman!) and a cousin. I thought they were so cute that I had to take their picture. We had a huge group go out trick or treating together. I think there were about 20 kids and 8 adults. Fun was had by all!

Today we're going over to my friend Kelly's house and having a fun Halloween dinner and some games with the kids. I made a pumpkin cheesecake to take. Yum! Hope everyone has had a great Halloween!

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