I know, it's been a while. We've just been busy with everyday things. Today is Sunday and I'm getting ready for the week. I love having these last beautiful days of summer. It's still warm during the day, but the nights are cooler. We had a backyard cookout with our firepit last night. The moon was so bright we really didn't need a flashlight.
The kids are busy with school activities. Kaelyn is doing marching band again. She is still playing the tenor drums. She absolutely loves it. She is in her first year at Ogden High, but the transition hasn't been bad and I think that's because she had all of her band friends.
Taylor started junior high this year. I won't say she loves it as much as Kaelyn does, but she's doing pretty well. Davis is in 8th grade and loving it. He keeps calling Taylor a "sevie". I think he likes not being the low man on the totem pole! Emily is my last one in elementary school. She's in 5th this year and loves her teacher. I love that we're back in the school routine. I'm still busy getting ready for work, but at least I don't have to worry about them being home alone. Summer is definitely harder when you're a working mom!
Wow. I can't believe how grown up all the kids are! A high schooler, junior highers, and one last elementary school kid. I bet it's much easier going off to work knowing the kids won't be home all day. I'm sure life is busy for you guys. Hopefully we will see you before Thanksgiving, but if not plan on us! :) Enjoy the Fall!
You are one busy Momma. I am glad you are getting back into all the school routines. I am liking it too. I wasn't sure I would, but it is good now. Glad to hear what everyone is up to!
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